Paul wrote to the Roman church, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all people (Rom 12:18).” Now that word peaceably is the one that gets us. It means to live calm, tranquil, quiet, and amiable lives among others. Well, that is not the way our society is organized presently. It is anything but quiet, calm, tranquil, and amiable. Rather people are too often looking for offense, taking offense and being generally offensive to others, all in the name of diversity, justice, or some distorted understanding of personal rights. We are not to be like that. We are to look for peaceful relationships with others as far as is it dependent on us.
In other words, we must seek mutual relationships of respect, kindness, love, peace, and consideration. We should give these even when we do not get them in return. We should not go out of our way to offend, but also we should not be afraid to share the “truth in love” with others. We will be an offense to those who look at Christians as the enemy. Our responsibility is to let them see the love of Christ even through their distrust, dislike, or plain hate of what we are and Who we follow. That may require a lot of patience, perseverance, and self-control. But all these are gifts from the Spirit who lives in us.
Let’s listen to Him, allow Him to show forth, and see if we can find that peace, calm, and tranquility we want in our relationships.