Are you old enough to remember learning to diagram sentences in high school? Well, I am and I do. I have found it useful at times, especially when trying to grasp the meaning of some of Paul’s sentences found in his letters. Here is one from 2 Corinthians 9:8: And God is able to make all grace overflow to you so that because you have enough of everything in every way at all times, you will overflow in every good work. Wonderful literary English and probably Koine Greek as well, but extracting the meaning in a way to be able to apply it to one’s life may be a bit taxing. Let’s break it down a bit. First Paul tells us God is able to make grace overflow to us. God is indeed the source of grace. He pours out His grace on us daily, often without us even knowing it. He loves us and wants us to serve His purposes well. So He provides in grace all we need. That is what Paul writes next: you have enough of everything. God has provided us with all we need to walk before Him as effective, victorious believers. He has provided all we need at all times, every day, every moment. We have enough grace in every way, in every situation . God provides grace for us more than sufficient. Why? So we will overflow in every good work. We are not just supposed to survive, but thrive as Christians in our walk of faith. We may not have much in this world or life, but we will always have sufficient grace to meet any crisis or opportunity to further the Kingdom. We need just to draw on it, seek Him in it and allow Him freedom to direct our attention and efforts towards His purpose for us.