
Posted here are the weekly reflections written by one of our pastors or a staff member.

Transformed Mind

TThere is a verse almost all Christians know well, and that is Romans 12:2. It says, “Do not be conformed to this present world (or age), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God- what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.” What most Christians are not aware of though is that the word ”conformed” here is in the passive. That means we are conformed to this world or age without actively trying to be. It happens in part subconsciously by being around those things and ideas the world teaches that are contrary to God’s ways, or permissively. That is, there is some consciousness of the conformity taking place, but not much resistance to accepting the false ideas of this age. All this adds up to Christians unwittingly sliding into following, living by ideas that draw them away from knowing God’s will or lead them to pursue things of this world not realizing they are headed the wrong direction. Satan has not changed. He was sly about deceiving Eve and he is sly about deceiving us. The goal is the same- deflect Christians’’ hearts and energy away from doing God’s will and pursue our own desires. Possessions and position are strong lures. We are too eager to bite, convinced there is no harm in these things. They are normal and good. The truth is they are neutral but often used by the devil and the flesh to get us to take our eyes off the true goal-  the heavenly city. Many of us might hear from our Lord, “Well, you got here and that is something” instead of “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Weekly Reflections

By John Howard May 27, 2024
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By John Howard February 3, 2024
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By John Howard December 6, 2023
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love one another
By John Howard November 8, 2023
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By John Howard October 17, 2023
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October 4, 2023
Learn and Do
By John Howard August 29, 2023
Doers of theWord
By John Howard August 29, 2023
By John Howard August 29, 2023
Getting Along With Others
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